Frog Song (School Discount)

Frog Song (School Discount)


Written by Megan Hollingsworth

Illustrated by Bonnie Gordon-Lucas

First Edition. Sewn Hardcover. 96 pages. 5.5 x 7 inches. Ages 9 and up.

Printed with vegetable oil-based biodegradable inks on 100% post consumer-waste recycled FSC-certified paper by Calverts, a worker co-operative run to international ISO 14001 standard.

About Frog Song:

Written by Megan Hollingsworth and illustrated by Bonnie Gordon-Lucas, Frog Song is an educational book that features an interspecies love poem inspired by the life of Toughie, a rare treefrog whose story is part of a big death—the sixth mass extinction—that holds potential for as big a birth. With supplemental information, activities, and resources for further learning, Frog Song supports imagination put to practical action for everyone’s benefit.

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